No More Scams! Justice for Job Seekers Bill Passes NYS Senate and Assembly


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Great news–on the last day of the NYS legislative session the Justice for JobSeekers bill passed the Senate 44-17 and the Assembly 109-15! Once signed by Governor Cuomo, it will provide fair and meaningful protections to low wage immigrant workers as they look for work throughout the state of New York.

Laundry Workers Center is proud to be a part of the coalition–led by New Immigrant Community Empowerment (NICE)–that fought for this bill. The stories of our members elevated the importance of the campaign, we met with legislators, we conducted on-site research, and we led outreach efforts in the Bronx and beyond. Without the tireless grassroots organizing by members of NICE, coalition partners, and allies, this bill never could have become a reality.

For years, immigrant workers have suffered at the hands of predatory and fraudulent employment agencies. Agencies that charged hundreds of dollars for job placements that never come through.

This bill will curb fraud in the employment agency industry by eliminating the advance fee exception and by strengthening enforcement, protecting vulnerable job seekers throughout the entire state of New York. Learn more.

Justice For Job Seekers campaign endorsers: Adhikaar, African Services Committee, Cabrini Immigrant Services, Catholic Migration Services, Chhaya CDC, Chinese Progressive Association, Cidadao Global, Desis Rising Up & Moving (DRUM), Don Bosco Workers, Inc., Domestic Workers United, Families for Freedom, Hispanic Resource Center, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, Laundry Workers Center, Legal Aid New York, Local 1010, Long Island Jobs with Justice, MFY Legal Services, New Economy Project, New Immigrant Community Empowerment, New York Asian Women’s Center, New York Immigration Coalition, Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights, NYCOSH, Queens Community House, Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York RWDSU, SEIU-32BJ, Urban Justice Center, Workers Justice Center, Workplace Project, Workers Justice Center, Workplace Project